Litchfield Hills Bible Church

Contact Us

This is a sunset over the Mediterranean, at Kusadasi, Turkey. A number of people in our Fellowship visited Turkey (7 Churches and Istanbul) a few years ago.

From one of our regulars at LHBC:

"So, how are you doing with this Covid19? I bet you never thought you would see us in this situation. I sure didn't. This is the 21st Century, so how did this happen?

"Let's be honest. We have put too much confidence in 'me, myself, and I.' We have separated ourselves from our Creator. We've come to a place where we think we have all the answers. 

"God may be using this pandemic to remind us of our inadequacy. He can use this to bring us back to Him. He reminds us that we are not an island unto ourselves. We are not in control.

"The worst thing that can happen is to die and go to Hell. By comparison, the virus is not so important.

"In Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, God has given us a way back to Him. Suppose some one offers you a key to a beautiful home. But, you say, 'I have my own key.' You insist on using your key. You would be locked out, due to your pride and lack of trust.

"Christ's death is God's key, a very costly (to God) key. Jesus says, 'I am the way the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' If you surrender your life to the Creator, Christ will give you a secure future and a rest for your soul, where there will never be sickness or death in the life to come.

"Want to know more about Him, and how to receive Him as Savior? He's God's ONLY way. Give us a call or visit us this Sunday or as soon as you can. (10 a.m.)

"God has put the ball in your court."

Address: PO Box 971, Torrington, CT 06790

Location: 379 Goshen Rd., Torrington, CT 06790

860-806-9760 (pastor's cell)

860-618-2059 (pastor - home)



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